22 July, 2022

DokuFest is proud to present a comprehensive look at the moving image work of artists, Maryam Tafakory and Morgan Quaintance, both of whom have produced an exciting body of emergent work in the last several years. Both London-based artists' work will be featured in two distinct screenings each, including live readings, performance, peeks at works-in-progress, and the presence of both makers at the festival to engage with spectators at the screenings, as well as in an extended encounter session with both artists, in conversation with Pamela Cohn. In line with DokuFest's thematic take for its 21st edition, "How to survive....?", Maryam and Morgan greet their very personal legacies of place, time and circumstance with glorious expositions on an ineffable state of being, finding strength, healing, and forward momentum by carefully refracting larger social, political, psychological, and personal forces into a singular way of interpreting the world around them. Using poetry, music, and the freedom of an experimental narrative style, each of them brings a delicacy and a beautiful vulnerability to some fairly dark matter, with abiding humour, grace, dignity, and a brutally honest commitment to their own humanity. We're very excited to introduce Maryam and Morgan to DokuFest audiences through their films, live encounters, and presences in Prizren. Come join us for a very special program!