The poetry in these songs is soft, pure and inviting either in companionship, or in dance, or in love.
Even though going through the finish line of the festival there is a bittersweet feeling, we do recognize the magic these days have brought into our lives…
DokuFest has curated a selection of 11 non-fiction films that vividly illustrate the social turmoil that has unfolded over the past 50 years.
When a director and editor are working together in tandem and harmony, magic happens.
Elaborating Alternative Co-Existing Spaces for Image and Sound
Not every dark tunnel has a light of hope, but with these films, we feel some.
When you get over 100 kids together in room, you will have all the energy you need, and maybe a little more.
There are many themes revealed in the documentary such as the trauma processing of the survivors, the power of the media, the reconnections and the ways we do not want people to not disappoint us in peace.
In observational filmmaking, the ambiguity of truth is significant because art imitates life.
DokuFest’s mission to empower young, new voices in Kosovo’s filmmaking landscape has always been a core element both inside and outside the festival.
These archives will be useful in the future…
While seclusion can be good and needful at times, should a life be lived in seclusion?
IPKO aims to be a positive force in the lives of every community member by supporting cultural and educational activities.
DokuNights keeps on bringing new ways of musical expression…
Exhibition, Underexposure, Overexposure
The ways to make visible a short film are not traditional and often there are certain paths that make them successful…
For DokuFest 2024, there are over 110 volunteers, and most are between the ages of 15 to 18, representing Gen Alpha.
The themes and subject of this movie are very deep, very thought provoking.
Each spot on the earth offers its own benefits, but there is no place like home
Leart’s sound is powerful, cunning, and bright.
This film screening brings an opportunity to elevate cultural ties between Kosovo and Taiwan.
A new soundtrack for Besim Sahatçiu’s 1975 documentary.
ARchipelago brings this combination of historical and personal materials to build new forms between which we can easily access information
The Triangle Program is a collaboration between three festivals: DokuFest, BIEFF and Vienna Shorts.
The director has harmonized the colors of the film with the fatal reality of working conditions in Kosovo.
The filmmaker has been inspired by the history of his country…
It was a truly wonderful night…
We follow the stories of Xhevahire, Shpresim, Gëzim and Besnik in the past, present and future…
This Dokutalk was dedicated to the ongoing challenges that film festivals face…
DokuFest’s, New Order edition, focuses not only on one but on two countries where humanitarian crises are more than just media events.
The four films share the same penchant for coming alive in front of the camera through the act of looking.
Perhaps the desire to live in your home is greater than the isolation outside.
This short film manages to ironize today’s confused human relations…
Traditional Albanian music is outlined in Shporta’s new album.
The exhibition comes as a result of the collaboration between Kosovar and Serbian researchers.
The audience must be prepared to sit and see authentic performances, personal and intimate.
This film is a beautiful, heartfelt creation and homage to film itself, and the power of storytelling.
Another part of the inner life as we know it slowly takes on a different light while being unveiled on the cinema screen.
The question of remembering and forgetting is crucial nowadays, especially with the current oversaturated visual landscape that further suffocates the possibility of building images of the future.
Both Poljak’s and Ilić’s documentaries employ personal and subjective approaches to tell their stories.
The film The Quality of Image by director Sezer Salihu is an experiment with the use of Google Maps images of roads in Greece.
The film is a reconstruction of family memories extracted from the cassettes…
They played their own unique eclectic style of music to an energetic crowd of listeners, who soon became fans.
Four films, one trip around the world.
“Ode to Celluloid: Films about Films” is one of DokuFest’s special programs, which baptizes the opening of the Lunar Cinema on Saturday evening.
At the Door of the House, Who Will Come Knocking by Maja Novaković, is a lengthy and suspenseful narration on solitude and self-discovery.
In the aftermath of realizing what is right and wrong, there lies a fine line of considering assumptions as perceived and felt truths.
The conversation that took place tackled the particularities of each filmmaker’s films in the face of the ecology crisis, the importance of communities and collaboration.
DokuFest is a success story, a testament to the power of a dream, and what a small group of people can accomplish, if they only keep going and do not quit.
From the moment Aïsha Devi took the stage, it was clear that this would be a special performance.
The opening ceremony brought together cinephiles and audiences to witness a reflection and a strong statement on the condition of humanity.
This year’s theme is New Order: a reflection and reaction to the complex fabric of global events affecting life, the future, and our responses to these adversities.
International Documentary and
Short Film Festival
Marin Barleti Street
20000 Prizren, Kosova
+383 29 233 718
[email protected]
DokuFest has zero tolerance position on bribery and corruption. Concerns regarding corruption and misconduct please address to [email protected]