The story and success of Kosovo’s most famous film festival could not be told without mentioning its volunteers. DokuFest started as an all-volunteer effort, and those roots of the volunteer spirit continue until today. Volunteers make the festival happen! And without them, there would be no festival.
This year’s volunteers are different in one respect from all former years of DokuFest volunteers – they are the youngest group yet. For DokuFest 2024, there are over 110 volunteers, and most are between the ages of 15 to 18, representing Gen Alpha. Thank you, Gen Alpha, for stepping up to the plate!
An example of Gen Alpha are Melisa Elezi, Era Hisari and Dorina Gavazi, 3 young people who will be volunteering at Kino Cinema this year. All are 16 and younger, and first-time volunteers for DokuFest. “My older sister Lejla works for DokuFest, and she told me I will enjoy the festival as a volunteer, so I did it” said Melisa.
They became fast friends, and look forward to assisting guests, but also, “we joined to meet new people, and hang out with friends we already have, but we want to make new friends too” said Era. They all are interested in films, and “are looking forward to watching the films, and learning a little about how they are made” they all 3 agreed. “And have fun of course” said Era.

Veron Tara is the man DokuFest is counting on to oversee this youngest ever group of volunteers, a challenging task, but one that he enjoys. Veron said that the Gen Alphas will bring their own unique youthful background and their energy to the event. “The key to success will be to harness and guide their energy, since young people are naturally energetic, but to point that energy and spirit into doing their duties as volunteers well” Veron said.
Veron is excited himself for his 3rd trip as Volunteer Coordinator for DokuFest. He has worked at many festivals in all types of roles throughout Kosovo, but he said “DokuFest is special, because it involves the community of Prizren so much, most of the volunteers come from Prizren, and this makes the whole city proud them. This is what ties DokuFest and the city of Prizren so closely together, and that’s a really good, and cool, thing”
Not all volunteers are so young however, there are a few older ones, such as Kayla and Kevin North, a married couple from Ohio who embody the volunteer spirit well, as they are 2-year US Peace Corps volunteers stationed in nearby Rahovec. They got bit by the DokuFest bug by visiting Prizren frequently.
“We had heard about DokuFest since arriving in Kosovo, and we felt curious about it, and it’s a chance for my husband and I to give back to the community, so we went for it” said Kayla. “Last night I volunteered at the Lunar venue, and what a neat place to watch a movie under the open sky! The guests were respectful, the weather was wonderful, and it all went really well. Kevin and I are enjoying DokuFest, and experiencing it firsthand.”

Kevin North volunteered at Lumbardhi Bahce, for the opening ceremony and enjoyed the experience as well. “It was really fun to meet all the younger volunteers, and the guests as well. I met a man who lives in Binghampton, NY, the city of my parents. Small world! I also enjoyed the DokuNights show, very cool light show, and great music. My wife and I feel lucky to be a part of this” he said.
Thank you to all our wonderful volunteers, who are now part of the DokuFest family. When you see a volunteer, extend your hand to pat them on the back, for they are the backbone of the festival, and should be thanked at every opportunity for their work and volunteer spirit.
By: Scott Hoy
Photo: Elmedina Arapi