
2023 — 17' / Color


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Teksa Mustafa, një ish kampion vrapimi me telashe, kap shansin e tij të fundit për të blerë letrat e shtetësisë përmes një shitësi të dyshimtë, takohet me vajzën e re ambicioze Reda, e cila ëndërron për një karrierë këndimi në një shtet evropian. Teksa Mustafa kapet pas litarit të fundit të shpëtimit, bëhet dëshmitar i dorëzimit të Redas ndaj një sistemi që dikur i ka shkatërruar ëndrrat e tij.

Biografia e Regjisorëve

Aulona Fetahaj was born in Kosovo, grew up in Bruges and now she lives (mainly) in Brussels and works everywhere between Belgium and Kosovo. She studied film at Sint-Lukas Brussels, where she made the films She Asked Me Where I Was From and her graduation film passé imparfait, for which she also received a VAF Wildcard. She works as a filmmaker, technician and sound person on various projects and in the meantime continues her search to find an understandable (cinematic) language in which she can talk about the notions of home, but also of displacement. About feeling like a stranger, but at the same time belonging somewhere. And investigates how time, or perhaps memory, plays a role in (re)building these identities.

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Aulona Fetahaj


Nizar El Manouzi


Zeeger Verschuren


Aulona Fetahaj


Henk-Jelle de Groot


Nizar El Manouzi
[email protected]