International Short Dox


United Kingdom, Russia
2022 — 25' / Color



Në një bregdet të largët të Arktikut Rus, në një kasolle të goditur nga era, një burrë i vetmuar pret për të parë një mbledhje të lashtë. Por ngrohja e deteve dhe rritja e temperaturave sjellin një ndryshim të papritur dhe ai shpejt e gjen veten të dërrmuar.

Biografia e Regjisorëve

Evgenia Arbugaeva b.1985 and Maxim Arbugaev b.1991 are sister and brother, who were born in the town of Tiksi, located in the Russian Far East. Their work often looks into their homeland — the Arctic, discovering and capturing the remote worlds and people who inhabit them.
Maxim is a winner of various international film festivals, including Sundance Film Festival 2018 where he received a World Cinema Documentary Special Jury Award for Cinematography for a film Genesis 2.0, which he co-directed with Christian Frei.
Evgenia is a documentary photographer. She is a National Geographic Society Storytelling Fellow and a recipient of the ICP Infinity Award, Leica Oskar Barnack Award. Her work has been exhibited internationally and appeared in such publications as The New Yorker, Time and National Geographic magazine, among others.


Evgenia Arbugaeva

Maxim Arbugaev


Evgenia Arbugaeva

Maxim Arbugaev


Evgenia Arbugaeva

Maxim Arbugaev


Evgenia Arbugaeva

Joshua Chadwick


Anastasia Dushina

Webfaqja Zyrtare e Filmit


Rise And Shine World Sales
Schlesische Strasse 29/30
D-10997, Berlin, DE
Anja Dziersk
[email protected]
+49 30 473 729 80