Komedia satirike The Tied-Up Balloon (bazuar në romanin magjik realist me titullin e njëjtë të Yordan Radichkov) e vitit 1967 e regjisores së filmave fenomenal XXX, Binka Zhelyaskova, është vepra e saj më e guximshme politike. Gjatë Luftës së Dytë Botërore, një numër i madh i balonave në formë peshku befas shfaqen mbi fshatrat bullgare, duke marrë vëmendjen e fshatarëve. Sikurse Pied-Piper, ai puthit një shteg në drejtim të panjohur, duke i tërhequr fshatarët drejt lirisë së tij të papërkulshme. Mundësitë janë të pafundme derisa arrin një polic, dhe i shuan ëndrrat për liri. Pas premierës, filmi u ndalua menjëherë nga autoriteti qendror për shkak të përshkrimit të ashpër të jetës në fshatrat bullgare si dhe informatat e ndjeshme për origjinën e shumë liderëve shtetëror komunistë.
Dorota Lech
Binka Zhelyazkova was born on July 15, 1923, in the town of Svilengrad, Bulgaria. She studied theater at the National Theater Institute in Sofia. For a brief time, she also studied theater direction at VGIK, Moscow, with theater professor Lobanov. Upon graduation, she began working as an assistant director at the National Film Studio in Sofia. Her career as a film director began in 1957 when she co-directed her first feature film Life Flows Slowly By… with her husband Hristo Ganev. At the end of the 1950s, Binka Zhelyazkova was one of the few women in the world making feature films. Her career developed during the period of socialist realism in Bulgarian cinema, which demanded the presentation of an idealized image of life as if it were a reality. This was to be done by means of simple plots and positive heroes. But hers was a counter-cinema to the accepted socialist realism, often challenging the restrictive rules set by the Communist ideological machine. Binka Zhelyazkova’s style was influenced by Italian Neorealism and the French New Wave, as well as Russian Cinema. The poetic and metaphoric imagery of her films often prompted critics to compare her to Fellini and Tarkovski.
Binka Zhelyazkova
Hristo Gradeschliev
Emil Vagenshtain
Borislav Penev
Doncho Hinov
Boyana Film Laboratory
Sofia, Bulgaria
Festivali Ndërkombëtar i
Filmit Dokumentar dhe të Shkurtë
Rruga Marin Barleti
20000 Prizren, Kosovë
+383 29 233 718
[email protected]
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