Focus Nordic

North of the Sun

Nordfor sola

2012 — 46' / Color



Inge Wegge (25) and Jørn Ranum (22) spent nine months of cold, Norwegian winter in the isolated and uninhabited bay of a remote, arctic island by the coast of Northern-Norway, facing nothing but the vast Atlantic Ocean. There they built a cabin out of driftwood and other cast-off materials that washed up on shore, and ate expired food the stores would otherwise have thrown away. But the boys brought with them two items of utmost importance: Their surfboards - perhaps their biggest motivation for the arctic adventure. Because the remote bay holds a well-kept secret; some of the world’s finest surfing waves.

Biografia e Regjisorëve

Inge Wegge studied film at Nordland college of film and art in Lofoten, north in Norway. Started filming when he was 14, and made some skateboard films with his friends. He continued making films and documenting the activities around him.

Jørn Nyseth Ranum, his interest in film started it all when he was quite young. At Nordland college of art and film, he worked a lot with fiction and was very fascinated by the stories and universes, one can create through film.


Inge Wegge

Jørn Nyseth Ranum


Anne Bergseng


Inge Wegge

Jørn Nyseth Ranum


Marta Sæverud


Jonas Kværner


Norwegian Film Institute
Arna Marie Bersaas
Dronningens gate 16
N-0152 Oslo, Norway
[email protected]