EYES WIDE OPEN: A sample of Le Fresnoy’s films

On Your Ashes

Sur tes cendres

2021 — 34' / Color


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Liban, gusht 2020. Shpërthimi në portin e Bejrutit detyron Yasmeen dhe babain e saj të përballen me të vërtetat e pathëna të së kaluarës së tyre. Një kërkim për rindërtim që do të ripërcaktojë lidhjen e tyre me dhunën dhe me historinë e trazuar të vendit të tyre.

Biografia e Regjisorëve

Joachim Michaux was born in France in 1988. Before switching focus to his own creative ideas, he worked for several years in the film industry. Joachim developed his practice by directing short documentary essays, with a self-taught approach at first before benefiting from a subvention that allowed him to make his film The American, selected in several international festivals. He was then admitted to Le Fresnoy, where he is currently sharpening his practice.

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Joachim Michaux


Le Fresnoy


Rémi Jennequin


Liyo Gong


Ludivine Pelé


Le Fresnoy - National Studio of Contemporary Arts
22 rue du Fresnoy - BP 80179
59202 Tourcoing cedex - France
+33(0)3 20 28 38 00
[email protected]