Landscapes of Resistance gjurmon udhëtimin përmes kujtimeve të luftëtares antifashiste Sonjas (97 vjeçe), një nga partizanet e para në Jugosllavi, e cila gjithashtu ishte në mesin e udhëheqësve të lëvizjes së Rezistencës në Auschwitz. Ne bëjmë që tregimi i saj të udhëtojë në kohë nëpër trupat e një gjenerate të re antifashistësh, duke këshilluar se është gjithmonë e mundur të mendosh dhe ushtrosh rezistencë.
Marta Popivoda is a filmmaker, artist and researcher living and working between Belgrade and Berlin. Popivoda has been specifically interested in the antifascist and feminist potentialities of the Yugoslav socialist project. In her recent work, she uses landscape dramaturgy, feminist storytelling and radical slowness principles to produce verbal-images or scenes of (antifascist) memory. Her first feature documentary, Yugoslavia, How Ideology Moved Our Collective Body, premiered at the 63rd Berlinale and was later screened at many international film festivals. The film is part of the collection of MoMA New York, and is featured in What Is Contemporary Art?, MoMA’s online course about contemporary art from 1980 to the present. Her latest feature documentary Landscapes of Resistance premiered at IFF Rotterdam in 2021 and by now won more than ten awards. Currently, her work is presented at the 12th Berlin Biennale and Manifesta 14 Biennal.
Marta Popivoda
Dragana Jovović
Jasmina Sijerčić
Marta Popivoda
Ivan Marković
Jelena Maksimović
Jakov Munižaba
Bocalupo Films
Jasmina Sijerčić
[email protected]
+33 6 59 24 64 43
Festivali Ndërkombëtar i
Filmit Dokumentar dhe të Shkurtë
Rruga Marin Barleti
20000 Prizren, Kosovë
+383 29 233 718
[email protected]
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