Green Dox

The North Drift

2022 — 94' / Color


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Pas një përvoje formative në Lofoten, filmbërësi nga Dresdeni, Steffen Krones fillon ndërtimin e bovave për të gjurmuar itinerarin e mbeturinave plastike përmes ujërave gjermane dhe ndërkombëtare. Ai takon shkencëtarë dhe bashkudhëtarë që e mbështesin në projektin e tij. Steffen udhëton në veri me bovat – një udhëtim që i hap sytë për gjendjen e ujërave tona dhe nevojën për ndryshim.

Trailer Zyrtar

Biografia e Regjisorëve

Steffen Krones is a German director and filmmaker. Born in Dresden, skateboarding led him out into the wide world and brought him to film as well. In collaboration with other filmmakers (such as Sebastian Linda, Torsten Frank or Sven Sauer) he created award-winning videos, short films and documentaries. One of them was the documentary "The Journey of the Beasts", which won many festival awards and was presented as a MUST SEE on ARD. As a freelance filmmaker he works across media and genre for film, television and internet productions.

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Steffen Krones


Mathias Schulte Ontrop

Uwe Nadler


Axel Rothe


Steffen Krones


Bony Stoev

Edward Sikorski


ravir film GbR
Heinrich-Cotta-Str. 5
01324 Dresden, Germany
0351 / 263 328 4
[email protected]