View from the World

Life May Be

United Kingdom, Iran
2014 — 80' / Color



Life May Be është një film digjital që do të mund të krijohej në shekullin XVIII. Sikurse romani i letrave të Samuel Richardsonit i titulluar ‘Pamela’, është një shkëmbim letrash ndërmjet Mania Akbari dhe Mark Cousins. Temat e tyre janë të shumta, si filmbërja, mërgimi, Irani, Holokausti dhe trupi i njeriut. Forma e filmit nis me minimalizëm ekstrem, por pastaj hapet dhe formëson ndërrimet. Shohim zhvillim të ideve, por edhe të stilit gjithashtu përderisa secili filmbërës ngjitet në supet e tjetrit.

Biografia e Regjisorëve

Mania Akbari (b. 1974, Tehran) is a renowned Iranian filmmaker, actress, and avant-garde artist whose work often deals with themes of identity, as in her feature film debut 20 Fingers (2004), which was named Best Film in the Venice IFF’s Digital Cinema section. She co-directed the documentary Crystal. In 2002, she appeared alongside her son and sister in Abbas Kiarostami´s Ten. She then directed the film’s sequel, 10+4. Her video art has been shown at the Tate Modern and at the Locarno IFF. Other films include 30 Minutes to 6 AM (2011) and One. Two. One (2011).
Mark Cousins (b. 1965, Belfast) is a Northern Irish filmmaker, writer, curator, and traveler best known for his project The Story of Film: An Odyssey (2011). The KVIFF has also screened his films The First Movie (2009), What Is This Film Called Love? (2012), and A Story of Children and Film (2013). He is the author of numerous film essays and books.


Mania Akbari

Mark Cousins


Don Boyd


Mania Akbari

Mark Cousins


Paria Kamyab

Timo Langer


The Festival Agency
44 rue de Clėry
750 02 Paris, France
+33 954 904 863
[email protected]