have we made it across the plain of night

2023 — 23' / Color


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In one night, we are let into the bedrooms of 8-12 of Amsterdam’s inhabitants. In these bedrooms, the inhabitants are sharing an intimate experience with another: a new partner, an old partner, a friend. A gravitational pull takes us through the night as through their separateness, the various inhabitants become more and more linked – a phone screen in one room brings us to a TV screen in another –a window overlooking canal-side houses brings us to the interior of another – the holding of a face in one bed follows through to someone tracing another’s nose in another bed – the receding hairline of one person takes us to the baldness of another.

Director Biography

Naomi Pacifique is a Swiss-Dutch artist. She grew up in Lausanne, Switzerland, and moved to the UK to pursue her multi-disciplinary practice at 18 years old. She graduated from Oxford University with an Mst in Creative Writing and from London Film School with an MA in Filmmaking. Her graduation film from London Film School, 'after a room', was awarded the Pardino d'Argento Swiss Life at the 74th edition of Locarno Film Festival in August 2021.

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Naomi Pacifique


Naomi Pacifique


Naomi Pacifique


Naomi Pacifique
[email protected]