Daniella Shireir is the founder and co-editor of Another Gaze, a journal of film and feminisms, and the creator of Another Screen, a free streaming platform that features ephemeral programmes and retrospectives of films by women filmmakers, available with subtitles in multiple languages and contextualised by interviews and new writing. This year, together with co-editor of Another Gaze, Missouri Williams, she will launch Another Gaze’s publishing imprint, Another Gaze Editions. She also works in film production and is a graphic designer, photographer and translator from the French, of texts including My Mother Laughs by Chantal Akerman (Silver Press), which won a PEN prize in 2019, and a forthcoming collection of texts by Marguerite Duras about her cinema.


Joost Daamen is a senior programmer at IDFA. He holds a MA degree in Film Studies from the University of Amsterdam. Since 2005, he has been working for IDFA’s Program department. Over the years, he has contributed to and programmed the main (non-)competition programs and Paradocs program, and he has (co-) curated focus programs.


Niklas Engstrøm helped launch CPH:DOX – Copenhagen Intl. Documentary Film Film Festival -together with former CEO Tine Fischer in 2003, and has since then beenworking on turning the festival’s programme into a relevant, ambitious and exciting take on the world, appealing to both a national audience as well as the international film industry. In 2015, Niklas took on the role as Head of Programme at CPH:DOX and since the summer of 2021 he has been Artistic Director of the Copenhagen FilmFestivals Foundation, including CPH:DOX and the children’s film festival Buster.