Unencumbered by education, open to new ideas, as a very young film amateur, Vladimir Petek (1940-2003) was the most energetic in trying out what film media could do outside the film standards. He scraped and coloured the tape, animated by drawing on the tape, pierced it, glued narrow format on wide format, cut them in half and glued different halves, tried pixilation, negative image, etc. His obsession with the medium was in early films linked to his youthful delight with girls’ beauty so he created some of the most beautiful visual-portrait films in the Croatian cinema. Encounters is an anthological portrait film, visually strengthened by a whole series of interventions on the film tape.
Vladimir Petek
Festivali Ndërkombëtar i
Filmit Dokumentar dhe të Shkurtë
Rruga Marin Barleti
20000 Prizren, Kosovë
+383 29 233 718
[email protected]
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