To the alarm of his traditional Italian soccer loving father, Mario wants a genuine Australian Rules football for his tenth birthday. Vito fears that if Aussie Rules wins out over his beloved soccer, it could for shadow terrible things for his family and guide Mario away from his Italian heritage. It’s only with some devine intervention that Papa realizes, if he gives a little, he’ll gain a lot, and ultimately it was only the shape of the ball that was different.
Dean Chircop is a writer and director known for his audience appealing stories. Dean has directed some of Queensland's most successful short films including the Dendy Award nominated The Parlour starring Tiriel Mora (The Castle, Frontline) and Bloody Footy starring George Kapiniaris (Acropolis Now, Wogboy).
Dean Chircop
Defrim Isai
Tony O'Loughlan
Geoff Lamb
Ross Batten
KurzFilmAgentur Hamburg e.V
Ingo Grell | Anne Schricker
Friedensallee 7 | D- 22765 Hamburg
+ 49-40-39106319 |
International Documentary and
Short Film Festival
Marin Barleti Street
20000 Prizren, Kosova
+383 29 233 718
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