1. Occupation and Resistance

They Do Not Exist

Lays lahum wujud

Lebanon, Palestine
1974 — 25' / Black & White


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Jeta në kampin e refugjatëve Nabatia në Libanin jugor, e shoqëruar me kolonën zanore nga një letër e shkruar për fedajin (luftëtarin palestinez). Një përgjigje dhënë kryeministres izraelite Golda Meir e cila deklaroi se populli palestinez nuk ekziston.

Trailer Zyrtar

Biografia e Regjisorëve

Screenwriter and Producer Mustafa H. Abu Ali was born in 1940 in Jerusalem. He received his diploma in filmmaking from the London School of Film Technique (now called the London Film School) in 1967. He was an undergraduate student in the College of Architecture at Berkeley University between 1961 and 1964. He assisted Jean Luc Godard on his film From Here And There while shooting in Amman, Jordan, 1970.

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Mustafa Abu Ali


Palestinian Cinema Institution