16 May, 2020

In light of the current COVID-19 situation that is unfolding across the world, DokuFest announces a daily film screening of a short film produced through our Documentary Film Production Centre, until the current situation ends.

Film Screening Day 60

VITRINA by By Alba Qirjazi, Aleksandra Radeva, Stelios Bouziotis and Ruggero Poli Lener.

Vitrina from DokuFest on Vimeo.

Year of Production: 2016

Length: 9 min.

A short documentary about the culture, identity and citizenship of Prizren, Kosovo. Showing the variety of people, connected and disconnected at the same time with visible and invisible wires by culture, religion and personalities. Prizren is a multicultural and full of history magical place, which can be discovered every day by the little things in the daily routine.

Produced through a collaborative program co-funded by Erasmus+ programme (European Commission) and Conseil Régional PACA in partnership with Pistes Solidaires Méditerranée.