DwP Corner

DwP Corner

The Corner of Dealing with the Past is a space created by the Humanitarian Law Kosovo, which through exhibitions, personal stories, research, and reports offers visitors fragments of Kosovo's tragic past.

In addition to publications and reports on transitional justice, HLCK selects a project for this space; an exhibition or research that focuses on Dealing with the Past and engages artists and authors from various disciplines. The exhibition presented this year is titled Illegal Theater by author Sovran Nrecaj, who has created a documentary of the same title dedicated to the period of the parallel education and culture system during the 1990s in Kosovo.

By recalling that period, and reconstructing it through the stories, we decided that even this video-documentary exhibition would have a meaning that brings the public back to re-experiencing such an era. Basically, the documentary is divided into three short chapters, and is placed inside three tents, which are the first element seen in the exhibition. Because of the bright colors and modern appearance, the three tents may look like some experimental stages of contemporary theater, yet they are only some improvised spaces, similar to those in which actors and directors used to work in, or even some improvised areas in refugee camps, that came after the period of resistance and apartheid.

DwP Corner
Place: Shani Efendi
Date: 5 – 9 of August 2024