As part of DokuFest's innovative “STORIES WE TELL” project, the upcoming exhibition on August 6th at Shani Efendi will take a unique approach to showcase the experiences and reflections of young participants. Rather than a traditional showcase, the exhibition will be presented in the form of a series of video interviews, where each participant responds to the same set of thought-provoking questions.

The exhibition, set to begin at 18:00, will feature these interviews as the central piece, offering visitors a window into the minds of the young individuals who took part in the project. Each participant, aged 18-25, was asked to reflect on their journey throughout the project, sharing insights on how their perspectives have evolved and how the experience of engaging with peers from diverse backgrounds has shaped their understanding.

The questions posed to each participant were designed to encourage deep reflection on their personal growth and the impact of the project on their views. Questions like “What did you know before?” and “What do you know now?” aimed to explore the participants' initial perceptions and how these have changed through dialogue and collaboration. These interviews are not just personal stories but collective testimonies of how young people can challenge misinformation and stereotypes when given the space to engage in open, honest conversations.

In each video, viewers will see the participants' faces as they candidly discuss their experiences, revealing a range of emotions and thoughts that highlight the complexity of their journeys. The uniformity of the questions across all interviews allows for a comparison of experiences, showing both the commonalities and differences in how each individual processed the project’s themes of mutual respect, understanding, and truth-seeking.

We invite you to join the exhibition on August 6th at Shani Efendi, to listen to the stories told through these interviews, and to engage in the broader conversation about the role of youth in challenging societal norms and promoting peace and understanding.