The origin of the film is a documentary footing of an electrical device frying bugs and insects. The mass death on tape transforms from an organic image to a digital recording. The whirlwind of death dives into an endless lunar pool of color in which the creatures resurrect for a moment.
Damir Čučić (1972), directed and produced over 30 alternative, short movies and documentaries. He edited more than 70 alternative films and documentaries, as well as one feature film (Pismo ćaći / A Letter to Dad, 2012). His works were shown at numerous festivals, projections, and retrospectives, and featured on TV programmes in Croatia and Europe (Denmark, Netherlands, Germany, Austria, France, Hungary, Bosnia and Herzegovina).
Damir Čučić
Hrvatski Filmski Savez
Hrvatski filmsk isavez /
Croatian Film Association
Tuškanac 1
10 000 Zagreb, Croatia
+385 1 48 48 771
International Documentary and
Short Film Festival
Marin Barleti Street
20000 Prizren, Kosova
+383 29 233 718
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