04 May, 2020

In light of the current COVID-19 situation that is unfolding across the world, DokuFest announces a daily film screening of a short film produced through our Documentary Film Production Centre, until the current situation ends.

Film Screening Day 49

MIGRATIONS/ SEOBE by Danilo Stanimirović

Migrations/ Seobe from DokuFest on Vimeo.

Year of Production: 2017

Length: 10 min.

The village of Sirakovo in eastern Serbia gained its present appearance only after the locals moved the whole village a few kilometers away. The only things that are left from the “old village” are a few fascinating yet creepy manually built houses, an old school and a cemetery. The only moments when villagers go to the old part of the village are moments when they have to go to the cemetery.

The film is produced through “SCHOOLS AND DOCUMENTARIES: Promoting Democratic Values and Human Rights through Film” a project funded by National Endowment for Democracy – NED and implemented by DokuFest.