30 April, 2020

In light of the current COVID-19 situation that is unfolding across the world, DokuFest announces a daily film screening of a short film produced through our Documentary Film Production Centre, until the current situation ends.

Film Screening Day 45

SLEEP TONIGHT by Amir Rami, Jon Dujaka & Visar Postoseli

Sleep Tonight from DokuFest on Vimeo.

Year of Production: 2014

Length: 9 min.

A film made by accident about a guy who gets stuck in Prizren with a dream to become a filmmaker. He finds this place (SHKA) and starts video logging. By the end of the night he gets a film in his hands.

The film is produced through “SCHOOLS AND DOCUMENTARIES: Promoting Democratic Values and Human Rights through Film” a project funded by National Endowment for Democracy – NED and implemented by DokuFest.