03 March, 2023
After the success of the EU-funded project ‘How Do I See You?’, with its extensive program to help curb the divisive narrative between the youth from Kosovo and Serbia, we’re now looking into applying the same approach to help bridge the gap between all ethnic communities living in Kosova. This time in collaboration with our long time partners, OSCE Mission in Kosovo.
The new project ‘How Do I See You - Kosovo?’, much like its prototype has at its core, an Intercultural Exchange Camp, to foster communication between young participants, through creative and cultural means. The camp is later manifested in an audio-visual exhibition that showcases the participating youth and encourages audiences to reflect upon their experiences.
Project’s aim:
The aim is to narrow the gap between Kosovo young people belonging to different communities and coming from different areas and backgrounds. In view to ensure meaningful exchanges, a safe space - where young participants can reflect critically, communicate constructively and express themselves creatively – will be created.
Intercultural Exchange Camp:
During the Intercultural Exchange Camp, participants will be invited to share their own opinions, and defend and question them, in view to gradually identify common areas of interest, build relationships and establish a dialogue.
The Camp will be held from 30th of April to 7th of May in Prizren. All costs associated with the participation will be entirely covered by DokuFest and the OSCE Mission in Kosovo.
The Intercultural Exchange Camp activities include:
Cultural visits Kosovo-wide;
Meetings with artists and cultural activists;
Visiting organizations that actively promote cultural exchanges and dialogue Kosovo-wide;
Film screenings, lectures and open discussions;
Exploring media and film literacy as a means to discover commonalities, share experiences and overcome differences.
Audio-visual exhibition:
By the end of the Intercultural Exchange Camp, participants will be invited to reflect on how they see their peers through curated interviews. The interviews will then be showcased at the audio-visual ‘How Do I See You? - Kosovo’ Exhibition during the 22nd edition of DokuFest (August 2023).
Who’s invited to apply?
Kosovo young people aged 18 to 25 are invited to apply.
Diversity is a value for us, therefore young people from all Kosovo communities are very welcome to join this project.
Selection Criteria:
- Personal motivation to engage in creative exchanges with peers;
- Desire to meet young people belonging to different communities and coming from different areas and backgrounds;
- Good command of English.
Application Process:
To apply please fill out this questionnaire: ENGLISH QUESTIONNAIRE
The deadline to apply is 09.04.2023