09 July, 2024

In a world where political landscapes are ever-changing, the quest for stability remains a universal aspiration.

Longing as a driving force. Like Kieślowski in Talking Heads we want to delve deeper into the question: what would you like most from life? And what movement is set in motion with these wishes, desires, this longing? Where can longing take us — both as individuals and as a society? It is about the longing for belonging, attachment, autonomy, (political) security or change, about basic emotional needs between inspiration and ideal.

Longing as a fragile, delicate feeling that we want to pursue. A longing for something that is missing. A partly melancholic, partly intense feeling, a longing for a different reality and the desire for more: more peace, more security, more order and beauty, more love, more paradise, more stability. This affects us as individuals as well as a society. What do we want from life?

Our focus on longing comprises a total of three programs, with two programs curated by our partner festivals from Romania and Austria: the BIEFF - Bucharest International Experimental Film Festival, Vienna Shorts and one from DokuFest. The first screening took place in May 2024 during the 21st edition of Vienna Shorts, and the third screening will occur in September at BIEFF in Bucharest. 

See the full list of films here