Stray Bodies

Adespota Kormia

Greece, Switzerland, Italy, Bulgaria
2023 — 109' / Color


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Robin is pregnant but doesn't want to be a mother. Katerina and Gaia are single but want a child. Kiki suffers from an incurable disease and wants her life to end with dignity. The procedure they hope to get access to – abortion, IVF and euthanasia – is available and legal in neighboring countries but not theirs. Therefore, they resort to so-called “medical tourism”. By meeting with those who defend the rights to bodily autonomy and many of their opponents, Stray Bodies takes you on a road trip through Europe, where life and death lurk around every corner.

Official Trailer

Director Biography

Elina Psykou born in Greece in 1977, studied filmmaking and sociology in Athens. Her first feature as a screenwriter-director, The Eternal Return of Antonis Paraskevas, premiered at the Berlinale Forum in 2013 and participated in more than 40 international film festivals. During that same year, trade publication Variety singled her out as one of the “10 European Directors to Watch” and in 2014, she won the first-time director award from the Hellenic Film Academy.

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Elina Psykou


Antigoni Rota

Ivan Madeo

Marco Visalberghi

Veselka Kiryakova


Nicholas Karanicolas


Nikos Vavouris


Gina Keller


Anemon Productions
5 Stisihorou St.
Athens 106 74, Greece
[email protected]