One day filmmaker Armel Hostiou discovers he has a second Facebook account: a fake Armel who has real photos of him and many female friends, all of whom live in Kinshasa. Fake Armel invites them to audition for his next film, which is supposedly set in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Faced with the impossibility of closing this account, the filmmaker decides to go looking for his double.
Armel Hostiou, after studying Political Science, he studied cinema at La Fémis film school in Paris in the camera department. His graduation film SoLoS, that he directed, has travelled and won several awards nationally and internationally. He has since dedicated himself to directing.
Armel Hostiou
Jasmina Sijerčić
Armel Hostiou
Elie Mbansing
Mario Valero
Amaury Arboun
Arnaud Marten
Anna Berthollet
International Documentary and
Short Film Festival
Marin Barleti Street
20000 Prizren, Kosova
+383 29 233 718
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