Edition 24: 1–9 August, 2025

AmDocs at DokuFest

Fish Out Of Water

United States, Italy
2014 — 10' / Color



For over 30 years, Paola Navone’s unique architecture, interiors, furniture, tableware and installations have impacted the design community- from the Italian avant-garde to contemporary mainstream. She draws on diverse cultural influences and adds “a little element of fun”; her colorful designs can be seen in restaurants, homes and hotels all over the world.

Director Biography

Cindy Allen is one of the most influential advocates for the interior design industry. As Editor in Chief of Interior Design magazine, Allen shares her unbridled passion for design beyond the printed page; she has appeared on television and annually co-creates a series of documentary designer biopics for the Interior Design Hall of Fame awards gala, which she hosts in New York City.


Cindy Allen


Helene Oberman

Jillian Buckley


Sam Shinn


Jillian Buckley


Enrique Perez


Jillian Buckley
1271 Avenue of the Americas
17th Floor, New York, NY 10020
[email protected]