
One night like the next, nothing you've ever seen before. We think this sentence best fits the long nights of DokuNights, which reflect the diversity and complexity of the beautiful minds that have curated them.

This Friday was another night in which Andrra Stage was filled with the beautiful faces of those who joined the party with HERRENSAUNA SHOWCASE +010010*.

The artist was undoubtedly not the only one who kept the night alive, together with him on the stage of dreams, CEM, JASS, MCMLXXXV, and DJ SALIVA also climbed, giving the night the dimensions of a festival. It is easy, very easy to document the joy of those who were present and who danced their hearts out to the vibrating sounds of electronics. Their faces are in the photos and videos of the extraordinary team of those who sacrifice a little of their pleasure, to document through camera and camera what is happening.

Anyone present still has alive the experience of those moments, where the dancing bodies complete the symphony of what is called fun. And what is a man if he does not have fun? A piece of wood.

Unfortunately, this Saturday is expected to be the last night of DokuNights. DOPPLEREFFEKT, REPTANT, ISABELLA, GENC ELEZAJ will make sure to keep everyone who will make their way to "Andrra" met. To leave everyone, good luck, love for beauty and vitality. For the artists, for each other, for themselves, for life. Until next year, when we will see each other again in Prizren.

And yet we still have tonight, a night to celebrate everything, big and small, everything we have, with or without reason.

By: Ana Haxhimali

Photo: Esad Duraki