Sparks of Light is a short documentary that follows a real story of the protagonist Fahri Krasniqi, who as a child was hit by a car and since then his left hand is out of order! Our protagonist shows how from a great fall, he starts and rises to become a great wood carving artist, even though he has physical problems!
Burim Haliti/ Film Director, has made several short films, documentaries and feature films. He has participated in over 100 film festivals around the world with his films and has won over 30 International Awards, mainly first prizes such as "Golden Bear" at the Festival of Nations in Austria in the 55th edition, then has been the winner of the "Unica" award in Austria. This “Award created by the Union of European Cinema and Festivals, founded in 1937, etc.
Burim Haliti
Ganimete Sava
Michael Stoeger
Xhelal Haliti
Fidan Torra
Eureka Film
Burim Haliti
Ndue Perlleshi, Alko Impex, nr - B/6 - 1
10000 Prishtina Kosovo
[email protected]
+383 44 377 460
International Documentary and
Short Film Festival
Marin Barleti Street
20000 Prizren, Kosova
+383 29 233 718
[email protected]
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