Edition 24: 1–9 August, 2025


65 Roses

North Macedonia
2019 — 16' / Color



The documentary follows the story of a 14 year old from Prishtina, Yllka Leti, who suffers from cystic fibrosis. Yllka has a great talent for art, especially for paintings. This documentary shows her day-to-day life, the obstacles that she has to ovrecome and the battle that she fights as a 14 yearold for her life.

Official Trailer

Director Biography

Murat Zherka is a young aspiring director from the Republic of North Macedonia. He is currently attending directing school in the class of the well renowned director Antonio Mitrikeski. During his childhood, Zherka was always interested in photography, films and the beauty that these two bring. He started making short movies from high school and since then his work has been officially selected in Roma Cinema Documentary Festival, Paris Film Festival, Chicago Feminist Film Festival, Warsaw Avenue Film Festival, San Mauro Film Festival, Manaki Brothers International Cinematographer Film Festival,Cinedays(Festival of european film), Prishtina International Film Festival etc...


Murat Zherka


Murat Zherka


Agon Ismajli

Albion Hajredini


Murat Zherka


Lejla Bajrami