“Octopus” is a short film that follows 8 and 9 year-old best friends Ece and Efe on a hot, lazy summer day in Aegean seaside. Ece and Efe encounter different adults until they get tired of being pushed around and make a plan to prove themselves. But they are not aware of the price that they will have to pay for it.
Engin Erden is a Turkish filmmaker who is living and working in Istanbul. He was born in İzmir in 1986. After studying filmmaking in Prague Film School, he went on to write and direct short stories, films, documentaries, and commercials. "Octopus" is his most recent short film which was shot in the summer of 2019. The film follows 8 and 9 year-old best friends Ece and Efe on a hot, lazy summer day in the Aegean seaside. It's a story about the consequences of growing up and how children and adults see the world differently. The film is made with the support of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism General Directorate of Cinema and Fongogo Crowdfunding campaign.
Engin Erden
Mehmet Seçen
International Documentary and
Short Film Festival
Marin Barleti Street
20000 Prizren, Kosova
+383 29 233 718
[email protected]
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