Edition 24: 1–9 August, 2025


How I Fell in Love With Eva Ras

Kako sam se zaljubio u Evu Ras

Portugal, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2016 — 74' / Color



In Sarajevo, in a cinema’s projection booth, lives Sena; a woman who in daily solitude repeats the projection of the few Yugoslavian films of which there are copies. Through a combination of silence, the everyday gestures of this woman and the films that are projected from her living room, comes a film built like a day in Sena’s life. Through the films that Sena projects, we are taken on a journey in both collective and personal memory. The film offers a portrait of intimacy crossed with a history witnessed by cinema; a history which Sena has conserved.

Director Biography

André Gil Mata born in 1978, S.João da Madeira, Portugal. Studied mathematics and worked in photography and theatre. He founded the Photography and Film Independent LabStudio Átomo47 and the producer company “Bando à Parte. He finished in 2012 his master degree in film direction at ESTC (Lisboa). Currently he is in post-production of KAKO SAM SE ZALJUBIO U EVU RAS ("How I fall in love with Eva Ras") and in pre-production of DRVO ("THE TREE") both shooting in Bosnia and produced by CRIM in co-production with YUGOFILMS.


André Gil Mata


André Gil Mata


André Gil Mata


Tomás Baltazar


Pedro Augusto


C.R.I.M. Produções Audiovisuais, Lda
Av. do Brasil, 154 - R/C Esq
1700-076 Lisboa, Portugal
Kate Saragaço-Gomes
+351 218446102
[email protected]