As a result of the privatization process, a five-storey building with three entrances, originally built as temporary workers home mainly for guest construction workers from Bosnia, is now shared by nineteen owners. Men that live there, came to Slovenia as young lads and spent 30 years working on various construction sites throughout Slovenia. When the construction companies they worked for went bankrupt, they lost everything, and their bankrupt employers owe them lot of money.
Metod Pevec born in 1958 in Ljubljana. He’s a film director and screenwriter; writer / novelist and actor. Graduated from Philosophy and Comparative Literature at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana. Before and during his studies, in 1970’ and 80’ he played several main roles in Slovene and Yugoslav feature films and television serials. Among them, several collaborations with the Serbian director Živojin Pavlović were the most important, i.e. the Slovenian feature film Farewell in the next war (1981). He also wrote several novels and a collection of short stories.
Metod Pevec
Danijel Hočevar
Metod Pevec
Janez Bricelj
Jurij Moškon
Julij Zornik
Kersnikova 4
SI - 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
+386 1 439 7080
International Documentary and
Short Film Festival
Marin Barleti Street
20000 Prizren, Kosova
+383 29 233 718
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