At certain times, dates and places, pedestrians halt, traffic stops and silence ensues. For just a moment, generally counted in minutes, the world is a frozen arrow pointing at the thought of something important, so important that it should never be forgotten. As a meditative memento on the importance of a collective memory, we have compiled a series of these moments into a film. Together these sampled minutes of silence reflect one of few activities that bring people together regardless of religion, race or cultural background.
Mats Bigert and Lars Bergström are two Swedish artists and filmmakers living and working in Stockholm. They have been collaborating since 1990 and have produced a wide range of art and film projects. Their first film, Last Supper, was released in 2005 and cemented their formal and conceptual touch, combining documentary film with sculptural installations. Since then they have directed several films, including Life Extended (2009) and Weather War (2012), which all deal with the human obsession of trying to control life and death through the means of science and rituals.
Lars Bergström
Mats Bigert
Mats Biger
Lars Bergström
Mats Bigert
Dino Jonsäter
David Österberg
Swedish Film Institute
Sara Rüster
+46 8 665 11 41
[email protected]
International Documentary and
Short Film Festival
Marin Barleti Street
20000 Prizren, Kosova
+383 29 233 718
[email protected]
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