Future is Here: Balkan Dox Workshops

Lole Buddies

Bosnia and Herzegovina
2012 — 8' / Color



“Buddies” is an interesting, dynamic film about two young people who come from one world that to them appear like they are two different worlds. What is significantly depicted is the characteristic of all Balkan people to accept everything as humor no matter how delicate the topic is. Especially commendable in this film is the dialogue of the main protagonists, a girl from the Republic of Srpska and a boy from the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Although they’re speaking about topics closely related to nationality and the system in which they live, in a cute way, they tease each other and laugh about flaws and virtues of the country in which they are born. Throughout the twenty minutes of the film, their conversation is merged with humor which overcomes many different attitudes that young people in B&H come across. What is probably most important to say is that the film ends with discussion of the future, talking about youth activities in society. How and what to change? This is precisely the most prominent feature in which many viewers may find themselves – overcoming that what hinders the society and the desire to progress.


Adnan Tiganj

Jelena Simović

Minel Haskić


Pravo Ljudski Film


Pravo Ljudski Film Festival
Obala Kulina bana 18
Sarajevo 71000, Bosnia and Herzegovina
+ 387 33 265 915
[email protected]