As a teenager, Karen sought refuge at Blitz, a squatters’ stronghold in Oslo. In the mid-1990s, a fierce conflict broke out in Norway between various extremist youth groups, with anti-fascists and neo-Nazis battling it out. It was then that Karen made a choice that has haunted her ever since. In the style of a feature film, The Betrayal gradually wends its way towards Karen’s secret and her emotional journey into her rebellious teenage years. This is the filmmaker’s personal journey to confront her past, and a story about both left and right wing extremism.
Born 1978, holds a BA in television directing from Lillehammer University College and has worked for several years as a television director in Norway. She is now finishing her MA in documentary directing at the National Film & Television School in the UK.
Karen Winther
Karen Winther
Kasper Wind Nielsen
Hoping Chen
Isabelle B. Brammer
Christian Martin
Karen Winther /NFTS
Beaconsfield Studios, Beaconsfield
HP0-1LG, Buckinghamshire, UK
[email protected]
International Documentary and
Short Film Festival
Marin Barleti Street
20000 Prizren, Kosova
+383 29 233 718
[email protected]
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