The documentary “Under Control” unfolds a panorama of atomic energy in Germany. Its broad perspective reveals the real challenges and enormous efforts that nuclear power demands from humankind. The control over the nuclear fission process is not depicted chronologically but rather as a prism of places and sites that not only refracts the stations of the German atomic age but also reflects beyond the current situation. The examination of a technology once synonymous with progress also touches on elements of the history of civilization.
Born 1970 in Speyer am Rhein, studied direction and cinematography at the Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg in the documentary department. Since then he realized projects as DOP and director, especially in the documentary genre and the field of experimental feature film in cooperation with Mario Mentrup. Since 1999 he worked as a private lecturer at the KHM K.ln and the HFF Konrad Wolf, Potsdam. In 2008 he was awarded the Gerd Ruge Projektstipendium for Under Control.
Volker Sattel
Joerg Trentmann
Susann Schimk
Volker Sattel
Stefan Krumbiegel
Volker Sattel
Filipp Forberg
Nikolaus Woernle
credo:film GmbH
Schiffbauerdamm 13
D-10117 Berlin
+49.30.257 624 0
[email protected]
International Documentary and
Short Film Festival
Marin Barleti Street
20000 Prizren, Kosova
+383 29 233 718
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