Set in Tokyo, “Ito – A Diary of an Urban Priest” tells the story of Yoshinobu Fujioka, a young Buddhist priest, and his fervent search for the meaning of life amid oppressive dreams, back alleys of the city and the darkness of the human mind. Yoshinobu hears confession in a women´s prison, bars and an old geisha house, while the many layers of nocturnal Tokyo and unpredictable memories are twisted into a web that drives people face-to-face with one another.
Born in 1947, Pirjo is an established director, screenwriter, producer and photographer, winning countless awards for her work. She directed several films in the 1970s and 80s with Pekka Lehto (including “Da Capo”, 1985). In the ‘90s, she made the so-called “Trilogy of the Sacred and the Evil”, consisting of “Mysterion” (1991), “Tanjuska and the 7 Devils” (1993) and “Atman” (1996). In 2004, she made the multiple-award-winning “The 3 Rooms of Melancholia”.
Pirjo Honkasalo
Kristiina Pervilä
Marita Hällfors
Pirjo Honkasalo
Pirjo Honkasalo
Joonas Jyrälä
Kozo Hosomi
Miia Nevalainen
Panu Riikonen
Millennium Film Oy
Koskikartanontie 12
75530 Nurmes
+358 13 -5110 100
[email protected]
International Documentary and
Short Film Festival
Marin Barleti Street
20000 Prizren, Kosova
+383 29 233 718
[email protected]
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