
Technology as an inseparable part of today's dynamics cannot be absent from DokuFest either. DokuTech is the space that, through workshops, films and discussions, aims to bring young people closer to and aware of the world of technology.
DokuTech activities started at noon this Saturday at the ITP, where young people from all over the region were present. "Resisting artificial intelligence" was the topic, the discussion of which paved the way for a series of activities of a technological nature.
Present at this Saturday's discussion was the author of the book "Resisting AI: An Anti-fascist approach to Artificial Intelligence", Dan McQuillan. This publication that sheds light on the dark side of artificial intelligence was revealed by the author himself, who did not hesitate to share with the young man even the smallest details known to him from this world.
"My face is not a barcode" is the theme that accompanies the entire 9th edition of DokuTech. As McQuillan, during his discussion, focused especially on the importance of knowing this technology.
"20 years ago, no one could have imagined that computers could do the jobs they do today. Today it is very important to know this technology well, as it is not an ordinary type of technology. It is really very important to know this aspect of technology well so that we can use it well.”
As for the executive director of the "IPKO" foundation, which is also the organization that sets DokuTech in motion, Abetare Gojani, the beginning of activities of this nature with a debate like this Saturday's is a good start.
"The importance of the possibility of realizing a platform like DokuTech within the framework of the DokuFest festival is one of the most important achievements for the mission of our organization. Artificial intelligence, the field of data and the latest technology trends are just some of the aspects that young people can learn about in this edition of DokuTech.
These young people have the opportunity to explore, learn and equip themselves with the skills of the newest technological trends in the world through discussions."
"How to survive?" is the question that accompanies the entire DokuFest. Violence, fascism, extermination and all other factors that with or without our will threaten the lives of the citizens of the globe. Are technology and artificial intelligence one and the same? If so, "How to survive?"

By Ana Haxhimali

Photo Credits: Esad Duraki