Great Men

Switzerland, Kosovo
2022 — 17'35" / Color


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Entering a playful search, Great Men tries to find images of women in the cityscape of Prizren. In parallel, the omnipresence of men and the uniformity of the aesthetics of their heroic representation is rendered visible by collecting images of the statues of war heroes that are lining the streets. A multilayered portrait of the city slowly emerges through the voices of local citizens as untold or forgotten histories are being told – a more complex national tale unfolds and plans for the feminist city are set in motion.

Director Biography

Sara Dutch is a Master of Arts in Social Sciences. Works mainly in the fields of culture, film and civil society support. As an artist, her installations have been shown at numerous independent festivals in Geneva and Berlin. Anna Joos is a Swedish/Swiss visual anthropologist combining social theory with filmmaking. She is currently enrolled at the Master Cinéma at ÉCAL / HEAD – GENÈVE, with an MA in Visual Anthropology from the University of Manchester.

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Anna Joos

Sara Dutch


Eroll Bilibani

Jasmin Basic

Nicolas Wadimoff

Paolo Moretti


Anna Joos

Sara Dutch


Anna Joos

Sara Dutch


Anna Joos

Sara Dutch


ECAL / Ecole Cantonale d’art de Lausanne
Département Cinema
5 avenue du temple
1020 Renens
[email protected]