Navigating the Short Film Circuit

Navigating the Short Film Circuit

Exploring the nuances of film screenings (discussions on distribution, sales, submission strategies, premiere statuses, and collaboration with distributors) forms a pivotal part of this talk. In the same vein, we delve into the mechanics of film festivals, addressing the selection criteria, functions of selection committees, etiquettes of attending a festival, and the art of successful submissions. Tailored for budding filmmakers and film students, this interactive discourse spans approximately an hour. Ample time is set aside for queries, followed by an extended conversation lasting around 30 to 45 minutes to further discuss and digest the insights shared. SPEAKERS: Mathieu Janssen - artistic coordinator at Go Short - International Short Film Festival Emilia Mazik - a freelance short film programmer and industry expert.

15:30 / Sun 6 Aug, 2023