Don’t Worry, the Doors Will Open

2019 — 78' / Color


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Shot over summer and winter seasons on elektrychkas, typical Soviet commuter trains that travel between the Ukrainian capital Kyiv and small provincial towns, DON’T WORRY, THE DOORS WILL OPEN invites us to share a ride with working class, mostly marginalized passengers and vendors. We are immersed in the daily struggles of their lives in a post-Soviet country. DON’T WORRY is an atmospheric and intensely human portrait of Ukrainian society on the move. Filmed during a complicated time, the film is a look at the human condition and an intimate point of view on history of independent Ukraine as it is experienced by the common people.

Official Trailer

Director Biography

Oksana Karpovych is a film writer, director and photographer born in Kyiv (Ukraine), living and working in between Kyiv and Montreal (Quebec). In her personal projects, Karpovych explores everyday lives of the common people and how state politics invades the personal sphere and influences the communities she intimately documents.

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Oksana Karpovych


Christopher Nunn


Dominique Sicotte

Lessandro Socrates


Simon Gervais


Oksana Karpovych
[email protected]