Edition 24: 1–9 August, 2025

Armenian Perspectives


Armenia, Lebanon, Qatar
2012 — 77' / Color



Stepanyan visits the elder Tamara’s hometown in Armenia, where she spends time with her grandmother’s circle of friends, who discuss their memories of daily life with Tamara, bringing to light their ideological and political viewpoints in the process. As the conversations progress, a dialogue emerges between past and present – between the Tamara of today and the Tamara of two generations ago, whose life was shaped by her experiences during World War II. Despite the absence of the film’s central subject, her presence is deeply felt through her impact on those who survive her.

Official Trailer

Director Biography

Tamara Stepanyan was born in Armenia. During the breakdown of the Soviet Union, she moved to Lebanon with her parents in 1994, at a time when the country was coming out of the Civil War. After studying and working in Lebanon she moved recently to France where she is writing her first feature fiction script.


Tamara Stepanyan


Michele Tyan

Tamara Stepanyan


Tamara Stepanyan

Tammam Hamza


Farah Fayed

Michele Tyan


Raed Younan


Tamara Stepanyan
131 Rue de la Roquette
75011 Paris, France
+33 762 702 829
[email protected]