In the documentary titled “Artist’s View of the Past” by Dino Mustafić, the director conducts a research into the position one should take in relation to the recent past, which has brought about so much suffering to all. In the search for the answer to this question, famous artists from the territory of the former Yugoslavia share their private memories, recollections, and hopes for the future.
Born in 1969 in Sarajevo. Graduated from the Academy of Performing Arts, Department Director and the Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo, Department of General Literature and Librarianship. Director of the International Theatre Festival MESS Sarajevo.
Dino Mustafić
Coalition for RECOM
Humanitarian Law Center, Belgrade
Almir Đikolli
Dino Mustafić
Elvedin Zorlak
Humanitarian Law Center
Dečanska 12/IV
11000 Belgrade
+381 (0)11 3349 766
[email protected]
International Documentary and
Short Film Festival
Marin Barleti Street
20000 Prizren, Kosova
+383 29 233 718
[email protected]
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